Refurbishment of the bridges at M4 Junction 10
As you will be aware, works have already begun on the bridges at M4 Junction 10.
The refurbishment is necessary as the A329 link roads to/from the M4, have been corroded by de-icing salts.
Highways England have therefore said that the bridges require repair to ensure the integrity of the road network and improved safety for the public.
Work will take place during both day and nighttime hours, seven days a week, depending on the phase of the scheme.
During certain phases of the construction, it will be necessary to close selected slip roads at the junction for full weekend periods (9 pm Friday to 6 am Monday).
However, only one slip road will be closed at any one time.
It is expected that the work will be completed by November 2017.
Please ensure that you plan ahead for your journey and that colleagues are made aware of these works.